In Hibernation...for now

Dear WUV singers, friends and supporters,

What a time we are in!

After such a successful first project, I was heartbroken to have to postpone our second project back in March. And now, with the scope of this pandemic and our various options for continuing through it a little clearer, I've made the difficult decision to hibernate this choir a little longer.

However, I don't believe this is the end of this little start-up ensemble! We will meet again when we can! There is a need for this kind of ensemble in this city, and there are singers to fill it - our first project was proof-positive of this. And I am excited to think about growing in the future when we can sing together again.

Looking forward to when we can meet in person, I would like to get Winnipeg Upper Voices involved in the Sonic Timelapse Project. This a unique crowdfunded commissioning consortium to create new Canadian choral works - all written during and in response to the pandemic. I encourage you to read about their project through their website ( Some of my favourite composers are involved, and many of them are writing for upper voices.

I need some help, though. I would love to get to the $150 or $250 level. If you are able to help us get there, send an etransfer to, and I will make the pledge on behalf of the choir. I thank you for any amount, no matter how small! I believe in supporting new choral music, and what better way than to create them in collaboration with composers and choirs from across the country.

In the meantime, keep yourself and your family safe and healthy, and know that I am planning for when we can sing together again — what a day that will be!
